NGES Santa Breakfast Portraits Ready! | {Grafton, MA Fundraiser Portraits}
The NGES Santa Breakfast Portraits are ready! Thank you to everyone who came out this past weekend to support the wonderful North Grafton Elementary and North Street Schools!
To view and download the portraits, use the following link:
Use the PASSWORD to open the gallery (nges2018) and the PIN number below to download your portraits (4447).
These portraits will be available for 30 days and you have an unlimited number of downloads. You have full rights to reprint these portraits.
To download selected portraits of your friends and family, click on the heart icon on the upper right hand of the image, enter your email address, and click on the heart icon of all of the portraits to add to your 'favorites' list. From there, click on the upper right hand arrow pointing down to the straight line 'download' icon to download only your favorites.
Please let me know if you have any questions and thank you for supporting our schools!!!!